Exness currency converter

Calculate live foreign exchange rates and convert all major and exotic currency pairs with our easy-to-use currency converter.

How to use the currency converter

Our currency converter assists you in swiftly and accurately converting one currency to another with real-time rates. An essential tool when making deposits and withdrawals on your trading account.

  • From the available six dropdown lists, select your base currency.
  • Choose up to five other currencies to convert to.
  • Enter the amount you want to convert from the base currency.
  • The currency converter will automatically calculate and display the exchange rates for your chosen currencies.

Why Exness

Better-than-market conditions, unique features and cutting-edge security, partnered with our dedication to transparency and excellent customer service, are the reasons traders continue to choose Exness.

Instant withdrawals

Remain in control of your funds. Simply choose your preferred payment method, make a withdrawal request, and enjoy instant automatic approval.¹

Ultra-fast execution

Stay ahead of trends with lightning-fast execution. Get your orders executed in milliseconds on all available platforms at Exness.

Stop Out Protection

Enjoy our unique Stop Out Protection feature. Delay and sometimes completely avoid stop outs while trading with Exness.

Frequently asked questions

Exchange rates are determined by either floating rate or fixed rate. Floating rates are calculated based on supply and demand on the global markets. A high demand for a currency will increase its value while low demands will drive the price down. This is the type of rate offered by Exness. On the other hand, a fixed rate is when a currency is set against another major currency, such as the Japanese yen or US dollar, by a government through its central bank.

There is no one specific day that is the best time to exchange currency as forex pricing is based on numerous factors, such as economic and political events, news releases, investors’ confidence, and more.

A currency converter that is updated in real-time, like the Exness сurrency сonverter, is best suited for knowing up-to-date exchange rates.

The Exness сurrency сonverter is updated in real time, which means that the exchange rates are always up to date and you can compare up to 6 different currencies at the same time.

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